I have a kendo grid which uses row template. The template contain combo box , Auto complete ... Grid also has icons with click event .
Issue :When selecting values from combo box / icon click or any change we are updating the values of grid data source and calling grid.refresh(). Which refresh the entire grid.
At this point it is re binding the data source of all controls which is fetched inside transport read function.
Is there any way to prevent this. or on preventing it will it cause problem in refreshing the grid with updated data. Please find code below.
validAttributeDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
serverFiltering: true,
serverPaging: true,
pageSize: 20,
type: "json",
transport: {
read: function (options) {
if (rowObj.IsLoad || isBrowserIE) {
ComboboxReadForAttributeAndValidValues(rowObj, "GetAttributeValidValuesAndAttributesContains", options, row.AttributeId, attributeNm, operatorId);
rowObj.IsLoad = false;
else {
Sample code for updating data source
var gridObj = $('#Grid.k-grid').data("kendoGrid");
var selectedRow = $(event.currentTarget).closest("tr");
var dataItem = gridObj.dataItem(selectedRow);
dataItem.CrudType = CruddTypeDelete;
thanks in advance