I am trying to create this api for objects like user, location, and visits. And I want to have post methods for adding and updating values of these objects. However, I do not know how to pass the object to the route of an api. A part of my route for the location update:
trait ApiRoute extends MyDatabases with FailFastCirceSupport {
val routes =
pathPrefix("locations") {
pathSingleSlash {
pathPrefix(LongNumber) { id =>
post { entity(as[Location]){
location => {
onSuccess(locationRepository.update(location)) {
result => complete(result.asJson)
However, when I try to build update in such a way I get an error:
could not find implicit value for parameter um: akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.FromRequestUnmarshaller[models.Location]
[error] post { entity(as[Location]){
Json encoder for the location:
package object application {
implicit val locationEncoder = new Encoder[Location] {
final def apply(location: Location): Json = Json.obj(
("id", Json.fromLong(location.id)),
("place", Json.fromString(location.place)),
("country", Json.fromString(location.country)),
("city", Json.fromString(location.city)),
("distance", Json.fromLong(location.distance))
I am using Slick to model and get all the data from the database:
case class Location (id: Long, place: String, country: String, city: String, distance: Long)
class LocationTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Location](tag, "locations") {
val id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
val place = column[String]("place")
val country = column[String]("country")
val city = column[String]("city")
val distance = column[Long]("distance")
def * = (id, place, country, city, distance) <> (Location.apply _ tupled, Location.unapply)
object LocationTable {
val table = TableQuery[LocationTable]
class LocationRepository(db: Database) {
val locationTableQuery = TableQuery[LocationTable]
def create(location: Location): Future[Location] =
db.run(locationTableQuery returning locationTableQuery += location)
def update(location: Location): Future[Int] =
db.run(locationTableQuery.filter(_.id === location.id).update(location))
So what should I add or change in my code to get rid of the exception and make it work?