I'm super confused on how to create proper integrations from my web app to dropbox.
I want to list and create files from within the application. I'm using NodeJS and the Dropbox JS SDK, so far so good.
But I'm not understanding on how to set up the authentication/authorization.
I've created a Dropbox application, generated an API key. I pass the API Key in my call to the dropbox SDK:
var dbx = new Dropbox({
.filesListFolder({ path: "" })
.then(function(response) {
.catch(function(error) {
I'm getting the following error back:
status: 400, [0] error: 'Error in call to API function "files/list_folder": This API function operates on a single Dropbox account, but the OAuth 2 access token you provided is for an entire Dropbox Business team. Since your API app key has team member file access permissions, you can operate on a team member\'s Dropbox by providing the "Dropbox-API-Select-User" HTTP header or "select_user" URL parameter to specify the exact user https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/teams
So, should my App have it's own user and then authenticate using that user?
Or is there an API which is Dropbox business wise ?