Thanks in advance to all, I have a spreadsheet with multiple sheets. I want my master sheets to have a search box based on a query that is referencing from a cell( my case A1)
*iv managed to accomplish this, but the search results are only exact match. can someone help please how can make it a partial match instead of exact or even combined the two.
**iv tried this thread but it doesn't work, maybe I'm doing something wrong thanks:
Exact result in Google Query, followed by partial match if exact result does not exist
this is the query that is working right now
=QUERY({sheet1!A2:I24;'sheet2'!A2:I26;'sheet3'!A2:I26},"select Col1, Col2, Col4,Col7,Col9 where Col1 = '"&A1&"'",1)
Cheers to all,