
On my server I'm seeing these errors when using firebase admin sdk .verifyIdToken()

Firebase ID token has expired. Get a fresh token from your client app and try again

Firebase ID token has "kid" claim which does not correspond to a known public key. Most likely the ID token is expired, so get a fresh token from your client app and try again. See https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/verify-id-tokens for details on how to retrieve an ID token.

On the client side I'm doing this before every request between browser <> server:


It's my understanding from reading the docs that this function will get a valid, non-expired token because the SDK in the background will refresh itself as-needed. Optionally, I can pass in true to this function to force a refresh.

Why does this getIdToken() function seem to be sending expired tokens to my backend?

It seems like to resolve this my options are:

  1. Pass in true to force refresh every time I call getIdToken(). This is needlessly expensive because it will add the overhead of a whole round-trip network request from the browser <> firebase before the request from browser <> my server
  2. call getIdToken() the way I am now - decode the token manually on the client side, check the expiration, if it is expired then call getIdToken(true) again to force a refresh and send that newly refreshed token to my server

Is number 2 the recommended/expected way to deal with this? It seems like something is wrong here...

Did you ever find a solution for this? I am seeing similar symptoms.puelo
@puelo Same, could you fix it?Martin De Simone
@MartinDeSimone Nope. It does not appear to be happening often, so i did not have another look. It probably is caused by some time differences. It might be (without having any code from firebase) that the check for expiration does not give any buffer and thus could be right on the edge for some cases.puelo
Firebase stores the token in a cookie, so after an hour or so, the token will expire. At this time, the user submits a request to the server (not knowing they have an expired token). The server reads the token and tries to validate it, but the validation returns "expired". So, as the answer's suggest, you need to validate the token each time before submitting a request. I'm not sure why Firebase documentation doesn't talk about this. It does seem like a bad design. Refreshing the page will force the firebase api in javascript on the client to get a new token again.Anthony

7 Answers


The token expires after typically an hour. getIdToken will refresh the cached token if it is expired. Make sure you always call that on the client when you need to send the token to your server. If you cache the token and always send it to your backend, it will be expired at some point.

Also just in case, ensure your server clock is synchronized. It is unlikely but your clock could be out of sync for some reason.


Another possible solution above the mentioned, is that your browser (Or system) date is wrong. Is it almost always related to the date.

Error: Firebase ID token has expired

You will get this error when your device time is wrong. Check your device clock time as well.


If you are using token on your backend, then you can do the following,

1.Check token on backend

2.If token has expired, send 401 unauthorized.

3.On the client, check if status code is 401 unautorized, if so call getIdToken and save new token


I faced the same problem before and after some try and error, I found out that it was being caused by time sync.

I set my computer time and time zone to automatic and fixed the issue. Also, remember to add "true" in getIdToken(true)


Try using something more like this:

Auth.auth().currentUser.getIDTokenForcingRefresh(true) { (token, err) in

/* your code to manage error and success */


Did you notice that there is an async way of getting the token?

            mAuth.getCurrentUser().getIdToken(false).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<GetTokenResult>() {
            public void onSuccess(GetTokenResult getTokenResult) {
                long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime;

                Log.d("testt", "time " + time + ", token " + getTokenResult.getToken());

Not sure, but I guess that it does internal checking and if token is not valid any more(for example there was a refreshed token broadcast for current user and it didn't reached to the user for some reason, network issue for example), it requests new one and returns that.

P.S. I am doing a research on this topic as well and will update if will find out anything new.