
I have two slicers in my report. Year and 12 months. If I look at the data by selecting year only, months are changing fine, according to year.

enter image description here

enter image description here

But if I choose Year 2017 and, lets say, December month, and then switch to Year 2018 - it will display two months of December at the end of the Month slicer.

Looks fine so far:

enter image description here

Choosing another year:


Is it some kind of a bug? I am expecting it to switch to Dec 2018 if i switch a Year.

Data structure:

enter image description here

Link to .ipbx file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qo0hl1a6vulx0bf/User%20Open%20Closed%20Tasks.pbix?dl=0

Can you share your data structure? There are a number of things that could contribute to this, and without seeing the data structure, it's almost impossible to tell.Joe Gravelyn
Joe, I updated. Thank youSerdia
That is expected. Slicer selections are not cleared automatically as with other kind of visuals. Slicers display filtered values plus active selections.kiewic

1 Answers


Value for column Month displaying Month name and current year: Jan 2017. So I changed column Month to display just a month Name, without year and it works.