
I would like to make a custom component in Vue with the following props:

  • text = text to be displayed in the link.
  • icon = identifier of the icon to be displayed next to the link.

< sidebar-link text="Home" icon="fa-home">

I have the following .Vue template for my component.

    <div id="sidebarItem">  
        <a href="/index.php">
            <div id="sidebarIcon"><i :class="{fa : true}" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
            <div id="sidebarText">{{ text }}</div>

export default {
    props: ['text', 'icon'],
    data () {return {}}

Essentially I have the default Font-Awesome code in my template:

<i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i>

and I want add a class to my component by using it's prop.

<sidebar-link text="Home" icon="fa-home"></sidebar-link>


What do you mean switch out? or what is your expected output?samayo
poor choice of wording on my behalf. I'd like to be able to add a class-name to my component with a prop. So, if I wanted my component to show the Bluetooth icon, i'd switch the prop to " icon='fa-bluetooth' "Samalot

2 Answers


So when your property icon is holding the value home you can use some class binding like the following (Thank god js expression are allowed within attributes in Vue.js):

v-bind:class="[{'fa': true}, icon ? 'fa-' + icon : '']"

or even shorter

:class="[{'fa': true}, icon ? 'fa-' + icon : '']"

This will result in

class="fa fa-home"

If you want to add fa-home to your you can pass it on the parent component like:

<sidebar-link text="Home" :icon="'fa-home'"></sidebar-link>

You can pass other icons like fa-plus, fa-blutooth .... instead

And use it inside your component as:

<div id="sidebarIcon">
   <i class='fa' :class="icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>

tbh: makes a little sense for me why you need to keep fa

You still need a prop maybe with default value of '' though

icon: {
  type: String,
  required: false,
  default: ''