I have found an OLEDB Foxpro provider to connect to VFP tables in MS Access. I would like to switch the connection to be DSN less so all I have to do is have the customer install the OLEDB driver and not setup a DSN. What connection string would I use?
Here is the code I am using but it does not seem to work. It prompts me for an ODBC DSN when I run it.
Set db = CurrentDb()
tablecount = db.TableDefs.Count ' Number of tables
' Loop through all tables, reattaching those with nonzero-length Connect strings.
oldconnect = ""
For i = 0 To tablecount - 1
Set td = db.TableDefs(i)
If td.Connect <> "" Then 'Connect is empty if local table
Debug.Print td.Name, td.Connect
td.Connect = "Provider=vfpoledb;Data Source=C:\Donor6\Data\"
td.RefreshLink 'refresh link
End If
Next i