
I enabled HTTPS on localhost in WAMP server by using this tutorial: How to enable https (localhost) url in WAMP server (v2.5)?

Or Video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH6evGKgy20

This worked fine for https://localhost/project-path.

I created a virtual Host with custom domain name neygin.dev. When I use https://neygin.dev my Chrome browser show following error (Version 63.0.3239.84):

Can this problem be solved?

enter image description here

stackoverflow.com/questions/26236351/… Specifically the bit about This connection is untrustedRiggsFolly
@JoshLee This question is not duplicate.Ali Hesari

2 Answers


Google Chrome redirecting localhost to https

down vote NEW DEVELOPMENTS! (if you have Chrome 63+)

If your localhost domain is .dev then I don't think the previously accepted and working answers no longer apply. This is because as of the Chrome 63 Chrome will force .dev domains to HTTPS via preloaded HSTS.

What this means is, .dev basically won't work at all anymore unless you have proper signed SSL certificate -- no more self signed certificates allowed! Learn more at this blog post.

So to fix this issue now and to avoid this happening again in the future .test is one recommended domain because it is reserved by IETF for testing / dev purposes. You should also be able to use .localhost for local dev.


Same problem since one week, it's like chrome add https protocol automatically. I try on FF and it works as usual. Ex: local.test.dev chrome gets me https/local.... instead of http I stil have 'nt found what's wrong. Was working before as usual with Vhost.