When alexa receives "unhandled intent" from users. How to handle error messages "Am not quite sure how to help you with that"?
1 Answers
STEP 1 : You might be getting lot of unhandled events if your interaction Model lacks in sample uttrances. More examples you add there will redirect your alexa skill to correct functions...
Refer this link for setting up your interaction model correctly https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/define-the-interaction-model-in-json-and-text.html#h2_sample_utterances
STEP 2: Define unhandled function in your index.js to handle the exceptions and reprompt user to enter correct word
'Unhandled': function () {
this.attributes.speechOutput = this.t('HELP_MESSAGE');
this.attributes.repromptSpeech = this.t('HELP_REPROMPT');
this.emit(':ask', this.attributes.speechOutput, this.attributes.repromptSpeech);