Let me specify exactly what I'm trying to do, I need to split my foo-bar program into five separate files: main, foo.h, foo.cpp, bar.h, bar.cpp. My header files (foo.h and bar.h) are meant to contain the declarations for their corresponding classes, while the c++ files (foo.cpp and bar.cpp) are meant to define the class.
I'm using Visual Studio, and thus far the only file I have showing red flags is my main file. Here is my code thus far, and I will include the errors that are being thrown in my main file:
#include <iostream>
#include "foo.h"
#include "foo.cpp"
#include "bar.h"
#include "bar.cpp"
using namespace std;
int main() {
Bar b(25); /*I am getting a red flag under the 25, stating there is no constructor that can convert int to Bar*/
b.func1(); /*I'm getting a red flag under func1 and func2 stating neither of them are members of Bar*/
return 0;}
#ifndef foo_h
#define foo_h
#include "foo.cpp"
class Foo {};
#ifndef foo_c
#define foo_c
#include "foo.h"
#include "bar.cpp"
int data;
Foo(int d) : data(d) {}
int get_data() { return data; }
virtual void func1() = 0;
virtual int func2(int d) = 0;
#ifndef bar_h
#define bar_h
#include "bar.cpp"
#include "foo.h"
class Bar : public Foo {};
#ifndef bar_c
#define bar_c
#include "bar.h"
#include "foo.h"
#include "foo.cpp"
Bar(int d) : Foo(d) {}
void func1() {
cout << "Inside func1\n";
cout << "\tData is " << get_data() << endl;
int func2(int d) {
cout << "Inside func2 with " << d << endl;
cout << "\tData is " << get_data() << endl;
return d;
My program worked until I split it up, but now it keeps throwing this message at me when I try to compile it, and there are a couple of red flags in my main code. This is what the console tells me:
No suitable constructor exists to convert int to Bar
func1 is not a member of class Bar
func2 is not a member of class Bar
My question is: What am I doing wrong, and is there a better way to go about what I'm trying to do?
Thank you in advance.
macro blocks because they do not need to be included. – Justin Randall