
I wrote an Akka base-actor that can handle some common messages. I want to reuse this basic behavior in a sub-actor, by extending the base-actor (not by composition of the base-actor).

I have seen several approaches in previous questions. They are all valid but also may be improved:

How extend behaviour of super actor in akka


How do I best share behavior among Akka actors?

To make the implementation cleaner, I am trying to achieve the following:

  • When defining the sub-actor, I try to extend only the base-actor (not both Actor and sub-actor). However, I was not able to force the compiler to do this.
  • I also try to not rename the receive partial function, because it is a kind of convention.

Here is a sample of my implementation:

//This is the base-actor that implements the common behavior

trait BetterActor extends Actor {

  abstract override def receive = {
    super.receive orElse { case _ => println("Missing pattern!") }

//This is the actor that implements the additional behavior.
//I actually wanted to extend BetterActor. It was not possible.

class MyActor extends Actor {

  def receive = {
    case i: Int =>
      println(s"Yay!!! Got $i")

Here are two alternative ways how I can create an instance of the sub-actor, which combines both the common and the additional behaviors:


val myBetterActor = system.actorOf(Props(new MyActor with BetterActor), "myBetterActor")


class MyBetterActor extends MyActor with BetterActor
val myBetterActor = system.actorOf(Props[MyBetterActor], "myBetterActor")

Finally, I may invoke the sub-actor by:

myBetterActor ! 2
myBetterActor ! "a"

Problems with my implementation:

When I create an instance of the sub-actor, only then I can mix in the base-actor, either directly (1) or by defining a new class that mixes in the base-actor.

Like I said before, I would prefer to mix in the base-actor when I define the sub-actor. Not when I try to create an instance of the sub-actor.

P.S. It's fascinating that the designers of this framework did not see it necessary to make this common requirement easy to accomplish.

Designers of this framework have created the unhandled method in Actor - it may be enough for you to simply override itghik
@ghik I don't understand your one-liner.rapt

1 Answers


i suppose as long as you're not trying to override behavior with BetterActor, you could try something like this:

trait BetterActor extends Actor {
  override def unhandled(message: Any): Unit = message match {
    case e: CommonMessage => println("COMMON!")
    case e => super.unhandled(e)

class MyActor extends BetterActor {
  override def receive = {
    case i: Int => println(s"Yay!!! Got $i")