I need a relatively efficient way to share data between Matlab and R.
I have checked SaveR and MATLAB R-link, but SaveR formats Matlab's binary data as text strings first and then prints them to an ASCII file, which is not efficient for large datasets, and MATLAB R-link only works on Windows (it uses a COM-based interface).
Dirk has posted a list of what seem to be better solutions to this problem than SaveR and Matlab R-link. I also learned recently about RAM disks (see here and here for some implementation examples), and thought that they might facilitate the task of sharing large datasets between Matlab and R (or similar computational environments) further. This leads me to the following questions:
Assumming that the data fits in the machines' memory in Matlab's or R's native data containers:
Are any of the solutions listed so far a better fit for RAM disks?
Are there any additional considerations to be taken into account when dealing with RAM disks instead of with secundary-storage solutions?