Currently we have a jenkins pipeline with 4 stages. Setup, Build, Deploy, Teardown. Deploy and Teardown prompt for manual user input. Because of this, we don`t want manual user input to take up an executor. So, we want to use agent none. However, when resuming, there is no guarentee we get the same jenkins workspace. Stash/unstash says it uses alot of resources, so if you have large files not to use it. Is there a way to get the exact slave, and when resuming, run back on that same slave?
I have something like this now I also tried agent gcp at top level, and putting agent none in manual input
pipeline {
agent none
environment {
userInput = false
stages {
stage('Setup') {
agent { node { label 'gcp' } }
steps {
dir('pipelines') {
checkout scm
git branch: __deployment_scripts_code_branch, credentialsId: 'jenkins', url: __deployment_scripts_code_repo
git branch: __gcp_template_code_branch, credentialsId: 'jenkins', url: __gcp_template_code_repo
git branch: _control_repo_branch, credentialsId: 'jenkins', url: _control_repo
// Copy core templates to the project
sh('bash deployment_pipelines/deployment/ gcp_template_core/gcp_foundation/ control_repo')
stage('Build') {
agent { node { label 'gcp' } }
steps {
sh('printenv') //TODO: Remove. Debug only
sh('python deployment_pipelines/deployment/ control_repo --env ${_env_type_long}')
stage('Deploy') {
agent { node { label 'gcp' } }
steps {
sh('python deployment_pipelines/deployment/ control_repo --env ${_env_type_short}')
stage('Release') {
steps {
agent none
script {
sh('python deployment_pipelines/deployment/ deployment_pipelines/config/production-release-approvers.yaml -o approver.txt')
def approvers = readFile('approver.txt')
try {
userInput = input(
message: 'Do you want to proceed with Release?',
submitter: approvers)
} catch(err) { // input false
//def user = err.getCauses()[0].getUser() //need script approval for getUser()
userInput = false
// echo "Aborted by [${user}]"
agent { node { label 'gcp' } }
sh("echo 'Do Release'")
agent { node { label 'gcp' } }
steps {
script {
def approvers = readFile('approver.txt')
try {
userInput = input(
message: 'Do you want to proceed with Teardown?',
submitter: approvers)
} catch(err) { // input false
//def user = err.getCauses()[0].getUser() //need script approval for getUser()
userInput = false
// echo "Aborted by [${user}]"
sh("echo 'Do Teardown'")
post {
always {