There is QML control ScrollBar , and mouse wheel scrolls the list fast, I need to perform this slower. Which properties can be used for that?
Qt 5.9
this is from an examples (rssnews sample project from Qt kit):
ListView {
id: categories
property int itemWidth: 190
width: isPortrait ? parent.width : itemWidth
height: isPortrait ? itemWidth : parent.height
orientation: isPortrait ? ListView.Horizontal : ListView.Vertical
model: rssFeeds
delegate: CategoryDelegate { itemSize: categories.itemWidth }
spacing: 3
ScrollBar {
id: listScrollBar
orientation: isPortrait ? Qt.Horizontal : Qt.Vertical
height: isPortrait ? 8 : categories.height;
width: isPortrait ? categories.width : 8
scrollArea: categories;
anchors.right: categories.right
I see this for ScrollView:
/*! \internal */
property alias __wheelAreaScrollSpeed: wheelArea.scrollSpeed
But can't find scrollSpeed property for my case...
QtQuick.Controls 2.x
? – derM