
There is QML control ScrollBar , and mouse wheel scrolls the list fast, I need to perform this slower. Which properties can be used for that?

Qt 5.9

this is from an examples (rssnews sample project from Qt kit):

ListView {
    id: categories
    property int itemWidth: 190

    width: isPortrait ? parent.width : itemWidth
    height: isPortrait ? itemWidth : parent.height
    orientation: isPortrait ? ListView.Horizontal : ListView.Vertical
    anchors.top: parent.top
    model: rssFeeds
    delegate: CategoryDelegate { itemSize: categories.itemWidth }
    spacing: 3

ScrollBar {
    id: listScrollBar

    orientation: isPortrait ? Qt.Horizontal : Qt.Vertical
    height: isPortrait ? 8 : categories.height;
    width: isPortrait ? categories.width : 8
    scrollArea: categories;

    anchors.right: categories.right

I see this for ScrollView:

/*! \internal */
property alias __wheelAreaScrollSpeed: wheelArea.scrollSpeed

But can't find scrollSpeed property for my case...

Please add some code, If you have no clue what to try, at least some example code on which we can try it.derM
Also add information about the qt version you use. There are more specific tags like qt5.6, qt5.7 e.t.c.derM
Are you planning on using that custom example implentation of a ScrollBar instead of the one from QtQuick.Controls 2.x?derM

2 Answers


I don't think the ScrollBar is what makes the things go wild. It is the Flickable that is the base class of the ListView.

There you have the property: maximumFlickVelocity which is in pixel / second.

Try to set this to an appropriate value.

This will also affect the flicking behavior!

If it is the ScrollBar you might try the property: stepSize - set it to something smaller than 0.1. I don't have Qt5.9 so I can't try it. I don't belive this is the reason though.

In the worst case, layer a MouseArea ontop of the whole thing, that does not accept any buttons, but handles onWheel:

MouseArea {
    anchors.fill: parent
    acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton
    //onWheel: manage the scrolling yourself, here.

Wrapping a MouseArea (like derM mentioned) on top of the ListView was the solution for me. Now the ListView reacts on the mouse wheel.

MouseArea {
    anchors.fill: parent
    ListView {
        id: lv
        anchors.fill: parent
        delegate: ...
        ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
            parent: lv.parent
            anchors.top: lv.top
            anchors.left: lv.right
            anchors.bottom: lv.bottom