I am playing around with some graph theory algorithms in neo4j. I am trying to find the minimum spanning tree (mst) within my network. I synthetically created a network of 10 000 people. Each person has 12 relationship types each one linking him back to the other 9999 and each relationship with its own weight assigned.
The problem I have however is the fact that according to the definition the results must be a tree spanning over the ENTIRE network. The neo4j function however only returns a very small sub-graph (only about 12 nodes) of the entire network.
The code I am using looks like this:
MATCH (a:Name {Name:"Dillon Snow"})
CALL algo.mst(a,"Weight",{stats:true})
YIELD loadMillis, computeMillis, writeMillis, weightSum, weightMin, weightMax, relationshipCount
RETURN loadMillis, computeMillis, writeMillis, weightSum, weightMin, weightMax, relationshipCount
What can I change to get the function to return the mst spreading through the entire network