I'm using PIL. How do I turn the EXIF data of a picture into a dictionary?
9 Answers
You can use the _getexif()
protected method of a PIL Image.
import PIL.Image
img = PIL.Image.open('img.jpg')
exif_data = img._getexif()
This should give you a dictionary indexed by EXIF numeric tags. If you want the dictionary indexed by the actual EXIF tag name strings, try something like:
import PIL.ExifTags
exif = {
PIL.ExifTags.TAGS[k]: v
for k, v in img._getexif().items()
if k in PIL.ExifTags.TAGS
You can also use the ExifRead module:
import exifread
# Open image file for reading (binary mode)
f = open(path_name, 'rb')
# Return Exif tags
tags = exifread.process_file(f)
For Python3.x and starting Pillow==6.0.0
, Image
objects now provide a "public"/official getexif()
method that returns a <class 'PIL.Image.Exif'>
instance or None
if the image has no EXIF data.
From Pillow 6.0.0 release notes:
has been added, which returns anExif
instance. Values can be retrieved and set like a dictionary. When saving JPEG, PNG or WEBP, the instance can be passed as anexif
argument to include any changes in the output image.
As stated, you can iterate over the key-value pairs of the Exif
instance like a regular dictionary. The keys are 16-bit integers that can be mapped to their string names using the ExifTags.TAGS
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
img = Image.open("sample.jpg")
img_exif = img.getexif()
# <class 'PIL.Image.Exif'>
if img_exif is None:
print('Sorry, image has no exif data.')
for key, val in img_exif.items():
if key in ExifTags.TAGS:
# ExifVersion:b'0230'
# ...
# FocalLength:(2300, 100)
# ColorSpace:1
# ...
# Model:'X-T2'
# LensSpecification:(18.0, 55.0, 2.8, 4.0)
# ...
# DateTime:'2019:12:01 21:30:07'
# ...
Tested with Python 3.8.8 and Pillow==8.1.0
I use this:
import os,sys
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS
for (k,v) in Image.open(sys.argv[1])._getexif().items():
print('%s = %s' % (TAGS.get(k), v))
or to get a specific field:
def get_field (exif,field) :
for (k,v) in exif.items():
if TAGS.get(k) == field:
return v
exif = image._getexif()
print get_field(exif,'ExposureTime')
import sys
import PIL
import PIL.Image as PILimage
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageEnhance
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS
class Worker(object):
def __init__(self, img):
self.img = img
self.exif_data = self.get_exif_data()
self.lat = self.get_lat()
self.lon = self.get_lon()
self.date =self.get_date_time()
super(Worker, self).__init__()
def get_if_exist(data, key):
if key in data:
return data[key]
return None
def convert_to_degress(value):
"""Helper function to convert the GPS coordinates
stored in the EXIF to degress in float format"""
d0 = value[0][0]
d1 = value[0][1]
d = float(d0) / float(d1)
m0 = value[1][0]
m1 = value[1][1]
m = float(m0) / float(m1)
s0 = value[2][0]
s1 = value[2][1]
s = float(s0) / float(s1)
return d + (m / 60.0) + (s / 3600.0)
def get_exif_data(self):
"""Returns a dictionary from the exif data of an PIL Image item. Also
converts the GPS Tags"""
exif_data = {}
info = self.img._getexif()
if info:
for tag, value in info.items():
decoded = TAGS.get(tag, tag)
if decoded == "GPSInfo":
gps_data = {}
for t in value:
sub_decoded = GPSTAGS.get(t, t)
gps_data[sub_decoded] = value[t]
exif_data[decoded] = gps_data
exif_data[decoded] = value
return exif_data
def get_lat(self):
"""Returns the latitude and longitude, if available, from the
provided exif_data (obtained through get_exif_data above)"""
# print(exif_data)
if 'GPSInfo' in self.exif_data:
gps_info = self.exif_data["GPSInfo"]
gps_latitude = self.get_if_exist(gps_info, "GPSLatitude")
gps_latitude_ref = self.get_if_exist(gps_info, 'GPSLatitudeRef')
if gps_latitude and gps_latitude_ref:
lat = self.convert_to_degress(gps_latitude)
if gps_latitude_ref != "N":
lat = 0 - lat
lat = str(f"{lat:.{5}f}")
return lat
return None
def get_lon(self):
"""Returns the latitude and longitude, if available, from the
provided exif_data (obtained through get_exif_data above)"""
# print(exif_data)
if 'GPSInfo' in self.exif_data:
gps_info = self.exif_data["GPSInfo"]
gps_longitude = self.get_if_exist(gps_info, 'GPSLongitude')
gps_longitude_ref = self.get_if_exist(gps_info, 'GPSLongitudeRef')
if gps_longitude and gps_longitude_ref:
lon = self.convert_to_degress(gps_longitude)
if gps_longitude_ref != "E":
lon = 0 - lon
lon = str(f"{lon:.{5}f}")
return lon
return None
def get_date_time(self):
if 'DateTime' in self.exif_data:
date_and_time = self.exif_data['DateTime']
return date_and_time
if __name__ == '__main__':
img = PILimage.open(sys.argv[1])
image = Worker(img)
lat = image.lat
lon = image.lon
date = image.date
print(date, lat, lon)
except Exception as e:
I have found that using ._getexif
doesn't work in higher python versions, moreover, it is a protected class and one should avoid using it if possible.
After digging around the debugger this is what I found to be the best way to get the EXIF data for an image:
from PIL import Image
def get_exif(path):
return Image.open(path).info['parsed_exif']
This returns a dictionary of all the EXIF data of an image.
Note: For Python3.x use Pillow instead of PIL
I usually use pyexiv2 to set exif information in JPG files, but when I import the library in a script QGIS script crash.
I found a solution using the library exif:
It's so easy to use, and with Qgis I don,'t have any problem.
In this code I insert GPS coordinates to a snapshot of screen:
from exif import Image
with open(file_name, 'rb') as image_file:
my_image = Image(image_file)
my_image.make = "Python"
my_image.gps_longitude_ref= exif_lon_ref
my_image.gps_longitude= exif_lon
with open(file_name, 'wb') as new_image_file:
To read image url and get tags
from PIL import Image
from urllib.request import urlopen
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS
def get_exif(filename):
image = Image.open(filename)
return image._getexif()
def get_labeled_exif(exif):
labeled = {}
for (key, val) in exif.items():
labeled[TAGS.get(key)] = val
return labeled
my_image= urlopen(url)
exif = get_exif(my_image)
labeled = get_labeled_exif(exif)
and to get GPS coordinate, Jayson DeLancey has excellent blog post.