I am getting the EWS URL as below:
var response = myAutodiscoverService.GetUserSettings(
string settingValue;
if (response.TryGetSettingValue(UserSettingName.ExternalEwsUrl, out settingValue)
|| response.TryGetSettingValue(UserSettingName.InternalEwsUrl, out settingValue))
// If ExternalEwsUrl is not returned in the response,
// we consider InternalEwsUrl for auto-discover
string ewsurl = settingValue;
Now, I am caching this ewsurl I get with this request as recommended since auto-discovery is really slow. What happens when this ewsurl expires (because let's say user's mailbox was moved to a different endpoint). What error should I expect in order to implement a failure mechanism to get the new updated ews url?
Edit: I am using the ews url to subscribe for new mail events on EWS using ExchangeService.SubscribeToPushNotifications
So I have another question, suppose if the ews url was changed after user subscribed for notifications, will I get a notification for that user for a new mail event on the callback url of my application?