
I have a situation where I am writing data to an Excel file using Excel::Writer::XLSX with Perl. I have records stored as comma delimited strings in an array. For example:

$array[0] = "col1_value,col2_value,col3_value,col4_value" # row 1
$array[1] = "col1_value,col2_value,col3_value,col4_value" # row 2
$array[$n]                                                # row n

Now I have to display these data in Excel with center alignment,border and bg_color. So I have done the below:

my $general_format = $workbook->add_format(
border => 1,
bg_color => 31,
align => 'center'

And then I have put a loop on the array and after splitting it, I am putting all columns of each record in excel as below:

Loop on array of records{
$worksheet->write_row( $i+2, 0, $recordRef, $general_format );

But I am facing issue that col1 & col2 of each record has numbers whereas col3 & col4 are percentage/date, etc. I need the numbers to be formatted in comma-separated format. If I do the below, the output is fine but when we click the col3/col4 cell in Excel, it converts the percentage/date to number format:

my $general_format = $workbook->add_format(
border => 1,
bg_color => 31,
align => 'center',
num_format => '#,##0'

Is there any way to apply the num_format => '#,##0' format specifically on col1 & col2 along with the rest of the formatting done on col1 & col2(the color/alignment/etc) as the data being written is row(record)-wise?

I need col1 and col2 to have below formats:

border => 1,
bg_color => 31,
align => 'center',
num_format => '#,##0'

and col3 and col4 to have below formats:

border => 1,
bg_color => 31,
align => 'center'

But I can write data record wise only(using write_row()), not column by column.

Why can you only write it per row? Is that part of the program out of your hands?simbabque
It would be useful to have actual example data. Please edit your question and include a couple of rows of real data.simbabque

1 Answers


You cannot pass multiple formats to the write_row method. However, you can set a default format for each column before you write the row with set_column.

Here's a short example.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
my $workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new( 'perl.xlsx' );
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();

my $general_format = $workbook->add_format(
    border => 1,
    bg_color => 31,
    align => 'center',

my $num_format = $workbook->add_format();
$num_format->copy($general_format); # we have to copy the other format options

# set column formats up front
$worksheet->set_column( 'A:B', undef, $num_format);
$worksheet->set_column( 'C:D', undef, $general_format);

my @records = (
    [qw/ 1.1 11.111 1% 2017-12-05/],
    [qw/ 2.2 22.222 2.2% 2017-12-05/],
    [qw/ 3.3 33.333 3.33% 2017-12-05/],
    [qw/ 4.4 44.444 4.444% 2017-12-05/],
my $i = 1;
foreach my $record ( @records) {
    $worksheet->write_row( $i, 0, $record ); # no more format here

This is what it will look like (with the Excel Viewer).

Example Excel file output

It's important to note that set_column only writes a format if there is no other format present in a cell.

The $format parameter will be applied to any cells in the column that don't have a format.

You also need to take care of the order in which formats are applied.

If you wish to define a column format in this way you should call the method before any calls to write(). If you call it afterwards it won't have any effect.

A default row format takes precedence over a default column format