
I am a beginner in Arduino. I would like to control 64 LEDs using 2 Arduino Mega boards.

The logic is:

  1. Arduino 1 blinks the LED in serial ===>
  2. Arduino 1 finished blinking and sends the signal (HIGH) to Arduino 2 ===>
  3. Arduino 2 blinks the LED in serial ===>
  4. Arduino 2 finishes blinking and sends a signal (HIGH) to Arduino 1, and both Arduinos reset using asm volatile("jmp 0").

I am using pin 52 as TX and pin 53 as RX for both.

And now the problem is that after Arduino 1 finishes blinking and sends out the signal (HIGH) to Arduino 2, it doesn't wait for the signal from Arduino 2 but resets itself.

Can anyone have a look of my code to see whether it is a logical mistake or a coding error?

digitalWrite(TX, HIGH);   
if(digitalRead(RX)==HIGH) {
  asm volatile("jmp 0");
why do you need two arduinos?Pawel
As I would like to control 70 LEDs independlyNick Lee

2 Answers

digitalWrite(TX, HIGH);   
if(digitalRead(RX)==HIGH) {
  asm volatile("jmp 0");

When you do this, you have to make sure that Arduino 2 sets its TX pin to LOW first, before playing with the LEDs. Only when it is finished, will should it set its TX pin to HIGH.


You need to interlock the shutdown sequence:

// Arduino 1:
digitalWrite(TX, HIGH);    // set high for 1 second
while (digitalRead(RX))    // wait for a low pulse from # 2

digitalWrite(TX, LOW);     // #2 is latched.
while (!digitalRead(RX))  
// RX is high again, #2 is ready to reset as well...
asm volatile("jmp 0");

// arduino # 2, assuming you have already detected a pulse longer than 500ms on RX, 
// sequence:
digitalWrite(TX, LOW);  // indicate we're latched
while(digitalRead(RX))  // wait for end of pulse from #1
digitalWrite(TX, HIGH);  // indicate we're ready
delay(2);                // make sure #1 gets it.
asm volatile("jmp 0");   // reset at approx same time as #1

Arduino #2 should keep its TX line HIGH while it's busy and wants to delay the reset.