
Is is possible, and if so how, to have a custom dns point to my Azure logic app url? For instance, I have 2 logic apps, one sends an email and one is an unsubscribe logic app. There is a link in the email to point to my unsubscribe logic app. The URL is not user friendly. Is there a way to create a DNS alias to point with a more fitting url like https://something.mysiteaddress.com insead of https://azurewebsiteurl.com?

We actually solved it short term by creating a azure function which pointed to the logic app instead. We are going to be implementing api management later.Corey Witherow

2 Answers


You could go with Azure Functions Proxies but a better option might be API Management. You can configure custom domains for both.

The documentation for API Management includes an article on how to Configure a custom domain.


You can initiate your logic app from your website. When someone hit your URL call logic app url from that URL.