
I want to upgrade from ZF2 to ZF3 right now and has the following problem with using URL parameter in my PhpRenderer.

In ZF2 I use the HelperPluginManager to get Application, then the MvcEvent and finally the routeMatch:

$routeMatch = $this

$parameterAction = $routeMatch->getParam('action');

In ZF3 there is a deprecation warning with using the getServiceLocator() (which makes sense, because it only returns the creationContext from the ServiceManager). I want to find a way not trigger the warning.

Configure the Application as a factory-using class (using \Zend\Mvc\Service\ApplicationFactory::class) also not works, because:

Zend\View\HelperPluginManager can only create instances of Zend\View\Helper\HelperInterface and/or callables.

Is there any way to get the Application context in my template (or better even the parameters of the URL)?

The best way is probably to get the parameters in the controller and assign those to the view. Keep your logic out of the views/templates as much as you can.halfpastfour.am

2 Answers


Your question title is "ZF3: Read out url parameter in PhpRenderer" while inside your question you asked another one.

You can get this in any controller (get URL parameters in ZF3):

$URLparam = (string)$this->params()->fromQuery('parameter', '');

For routeMatch, if you have a MvcEvent just use;


If you have container;


If you want to access routeMatch in view there's no way except view helper like tasmaniski/zend-current-route