
I have some c code that reads from a serial port into a buffer continiously and when it has read 100 bytes it writes them over a websocket using the function log_write(). Some of the data is missing so I think I'm getting undefined behaviour. Is there anything obviously wrong with the code?

Specifcally on the lines below should I be adding a 1 to rdlentotal? Is it overwriting the last char of the previous read?

Also should I be null terminating the buffer after the last char that is read? How would I do this?

rdlen = read(fd_joule, &ibuf[rdlentotal], sizeof(ibuf)); rdlentotal += rdlen; /*keep track of total bytes read*/

int rdlen=0, rdlentotal = 0;
char ibuf[1024];

memset(&ibuf[0], 0, sizeof(ibuf)); /*clear the buffer*/

while (1) {

    /*read from serial port*/
    rdlen = read(fd_joule, &ibuf[rdlentotal], sizeof(ibuf));
    rdlentotal += rdlen; /*keep track of total bytes read*/

    if (rdlentotal > 100) { /*when you have 200 bytes write the websocket*/
        log_write("%s", &ibuf); /*write to websocket*/
        memset(&ibuf[0], 0, sizeof(ibuf)); /*clear buffer*/
        rdlentotal = 0; /*rest byte counter */
        rdlen = 0;

    if (rdlen < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "rdlen les than 0\r\n");


Updated code suggestions from Chux:

static void *serial_logging_thread() {

    ssize_t rdlen = 0, rdlentotal = 0;
    char ibuf[1024 + 1];

    memset(&ibuf[0], 0, sizeof(ibuf)); /*clear the buffer*/

    while (1) {

        /*read from serial port write to log file*/
        rdlen = read(fd_joule, &ibuf[rdlentotal], sizeof(ibuf) - 1 - rdlentotal);
        rdlentotal += rdlen;

        if (rdlentotal > 200) { /*when you have 200 bytes write to file and websocket*/

            ibuf[rdlentotal + 1] = '\0'; /*null terminate*/
            log_write("%s", &ibuf); /*write to websocket*/

            memset(&ibuf[0], 0, sizeof(ibuf)); /*clear buffer*/
            rdlentotal = 0; /*rest byte counter */
            rdlen = 0;

        if (rdlen < 0) {
            LOG("error reading serial port, rdlen less than 0\r\n");


Declaration for log_write().

int log_write(const char *fmt, ... /* arguments */){
read(fd_joule, &ibuf[rdlentotal], sizeof(ibuf)); --> read(fd_joule, &ibuf[rdlentotal], sizeof(ibuf) - rdlentotal);chux - Reinstate Monica
Tell us please - can the stream of bytes have NULs in it? If so, you are already broken, as chux hints at below.Martin James
samsung gather: Rather than add a copy of an answer to your question, 1) Review What should I do when someone answers my question? 2) roll back your question to the previous version.chux - Reinstate Monica

2 Answers


Is there anything obviously wrong with the code?

Yes, see below.

Specifically on the lines below should I be adding a 1 to rdlentotal?


Is it overwriting the last char of the previous read?


... should I be null terminating the buffer after the last char that is read?

Yes, if buf is treated as a string. Yet since input may have '\0' bytes in it, more robust code would treat buf as a character array and pass buf and its length used to the logging functions. Also see @Martin James

How would I do this (null terminate the buffer) ?

See #2 below.

Code has at least the following problems:

  1. Buffer overrun possibility.

    // rdlen = read(fd_joule, &ibuf[rdlentotal], sizeof(ibuf));
    rdlen = read(fd_joule, &ibuf[rdlentotal], sizeof(ibuf) - rdlentotal);
  2. Assuming log_write("%s", &ibuf); is similar to printf(), code is attempting to print ibuf, which may not be a string and it is not certainly null character terminated. Think of what happens if the first read was sizeof(ibuf) characters long. Instead, insure space and append a null character.

    char ibuf[1024 + 1];  // add 1 here                   - 1 below
    rdlen = read(fd_joule, &ibuf[rdlentotal], sizeof ibuf - 1 - rdlentotal);
    ibuf[rdlentotal + rdlen] = '\0';  // Code is certain to have memory for the \0
    log_write("%s", &ibuf);  // The use of & here is likely not needed.
  3. read() returns a ssize_t, not int. Use that type and check for errors before rdlentotal += rdlen;

    ssize_t rdlen = read(...
    if (rdlen == -1) {
      LOG("error reading serial port, rdlen less than 0\r\n");
    rdlentotal += rdlen;
  4. More robust to use size_t for array lengths than int

    // int rdlentotal = 0;
    size_t rdlentotal = 0;
  5. Minor: Comment does not reflect code.

    // if (rdlentotal > 100) { /*when you have 200 bytes write the websocket*/
    if (rdlentotal > 100) { /*when you have more than 100 bytes write the websocket*/

The comment above is correct. To further comment, you could corrupt the stack by overwriting memory past ibuf and unpredictable behavior and likely crash.