Short answer: it is a type constraint in the signature of foldMap
If we look to the source code of Foldable
(more specifically foldMap
), we see:
class Foldable (t :: * -> *) where
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
So that means that if we declare Tree
a member of Foldable
(not that Tree
has kind * -> *
), it means that a foldMap
is defined over that tree, such that: foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Tree a -> m
. So this thus means that the result type (and the result of the function passed to foldMap
) m
must be a Monoid
Haskell is statically typed: after compile time, Haskell knows exactly the types that are passed in an out of every function instance. So that means it knows for instance what the output type will be, and thus how to handle it.
Now Int
is not an instance of Monoid
. You here use F.foldl (+) 0 testTree
, so that means that you more or less have constructed an "ad hoc" monoid. This works if we look at the source code of foldl
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl f z t = appEndo (getDual (foldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f) t)) z
This has a lot of logic surrounding the parameters f
, z
and t
. So let us break that down first.
Let us first take a look at Dual . Endo . flip f
. This is short for:
helper = \x -> Dual (Endo (\y -> f y x))
and Endo
are types with each one constructor that takes one parameter. So we wrap the outcome of f y x
in the Dual (Endo ...)
We will use this as the function of foldMap
. If our f
has type a -> b -> a
, then this function has type b -> Dual (Endo a)
. So the output type of the function passed to foldMap
has output type Dual (Endo a)
. Now if we inspect the source code, we see two intersting things:
instance Monoid (Endo a) where
mempty = Endo id
Endo f `mappend` Endo g = Endo (f . g)
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Dual a) where
mempty = Dual mempty
Dual x `mappend` Dual y = Dual (y `mappend` x)
(note that it is y `mappend` x
, not x `mappend` y
So what happens here is that the mempty
that is used in the foldMap
is mempty = Dual mempty = Dual (Endo id)
. So a Dual (Endo ...)
that encapsulates the identity function.
Furthermore the mappend
of two duals comes down to function composition of the values in Endo
. So:
mempty = Dual (Endo id)
mappend (Dual (Endo f)) (Dual (Endo g)) = Dual (Endo (g . f))
So that means that if we fold over the tree, in case we see an Empty
(a leaf), we will return mempty
, and in case we see a Node x l r
, we will perform the mappend
as described above. So a "specialized" foldMap
will look like:
-- specialized foldMap
foldMap f Empty = Dual (Endo id)
foldMap f (Node x l r) = Dual (Endo (c . b . a))
where Dual (Endo a) = foldMap f l
Dual (Endo b) = helper x
Dual (Endo c) = foldMap f l
So for every Node
we make a function composition right-to-left over the the children and item of the node. a
and c
can be compositions of the tree as well (since these are recursive calls). In case of a Leaf
, we do nothing (we return id
, but the composition over an id
is a no-op).
So that means that if we have a tree:
|- 3
| |- 1
| `- 6
`- 9
|- 8
`- 10
This will result in a function:
(Dual (Endo ( (\x -> f x 10) .
(\x -> f x 9) .
(\x -> f x 8) .
(\x -> f x 5) .
(\x -> f x 6) .
(\x -> f x 3) .
(\x -> f x 1)
(omitted the identities, to make it a cleaner). This is the outcome of getDual (foldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f))
. But now we need to post process this result. With getDual
, we get the content wrapped in the Dual
constructor. So now we have:
Endo ( (\x -> f x 10) .
(\x -> f x 9) .
(\x -> f x 8) .
(\x -> f x 5) .
(\x -> f x 6) .
(\x -> f x 3) .
(\x -> f x 1)
and with appEndo
, we obtain the function wrapped in Endo
, so:
( (\x -> f x 10) .
(\x -> f x 9) .
(\x -> f x 8) .
(\x -> f x 5) .
(\x -> f x 6) .
(\x -> f x 3) .
(\x -> f x 1)
and then we apply this to z
the "initial" value. So that means that we will process the chain starting with z
(the initial element), and apply it like:
f (f (f (f (f (f (f z 1) 3) 6) 5) 8) 9) 10
So we have constructed some sort of Monoid, where mappend
is replaced by f
, and mempty
as a no-op (the identity function).
internally chooses the list monoid, turning the tree into a list, and then folding over that as usual. As long as the tree is a finite one, this mental model should be accurate to describe the actual result. – chiSum
monoids are not used anywhere here. – Bergi