I have a ReactJS based Website with GO has Webserver/Backend with a REST API approach. At least this is how it would run on a normal dedicated server.
I'm trying to move the project to the Google Cloud but I have some issues.
I kicked out all the static file serving from my GO application because the Google Guide told me that the App Engine can handle the Static File serving. But its not serving any... my app.yaml looks as follow:
runtime: go env: flex api_version: go1.8 manual_scaling: instances: 1 resources: cpu: 1 memory_gb: 0.5 disk_size_gb: 10 env_variables:ur CLOUDSQL_CONNECTION_NAME: xxx CLOUDSQL_USER: xxx CLOUDSQL_PASSWORD: 'XXX' GCLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET: xxx REDIS_ADDR: "<REDIS_HOST>:<REDIS_PORT>" REDIS_PASSSWORD: "" handlers: - url: / mime_type: text/html static_files: static/index.html upload: static/index.html application_readable: true - url: /public/css mime_type: text/css static_dir: static/public/css application_readable: true - url: /public/js mime_type: text/javascript static_dir: static/public/js application_readable: true - url: /.* script: _go_app
The "static" folder is also in the project folder from where i start the deploy. How can i check if the files are even uploaded?
I always get a response from the GO Server