
I'm creating automated integration tests for SSO process. I'm new with SAML concept and probably my understanding of how it works inaccurate or wrong at all.

We chose to use OneLogin as IdP. Steps to automate:

  1. User request target resource without credentials. For example my-api.com/v1/cats
    • Verify user has been redirected to https://{app}.onelogin.com/trust/saml2/http-post/sso/{app-id}?SAMLRequest={request}
  2. User login to SSO
    • Verify user has been redirected to POST my-api.com/v1/saml/consume with SAMLResponse inside body
    • Verify POST my-api.com/v1/saml/consume with right SAMLResponse give user service provider token and then redirect to initial url - my-api.com/v1/cats

And I'm stuck on step 2: "user login to SSO". I want to do it using onelogin API, not webform. But I didn't find documentation for it. I inspected network calls while I perform login using https://{my-app}.onelogin.com/login page.

After I fill email and password and click "Login" button 1. POST request to https://{my-app}.onelogin.com/sessions with form-data authenticity_token={token}&email={email}&password={password}&commit=Log%20in&_= 2. Onelogin redirect user to make GET request to https://{app}.onelogin.com/trust/saml2/http-post/sso/{app-id}?SAMLRequest={request}(this is initial url generated by our service provider) 3. User redirected to my-api.com/v1/saml/consume

I tried to do POST to https://{my-app}.onelogin.com/sessions with same body as in step 1 using postman but I retrieve

422: UNPROCESSABLE CHANGES. Maybe you tried to change something you don't have access to.

My question: is it possible to retrieve SAMLResponse using Onelogin API? And is process I described right?


2 Answers


SAML request from OneLogin or any other IDp is a form post with SAMLRequest in the body of the request. The user is going to bounce (redirect) from their site to yours. Once at your site you validate the SAMLrequest and you will use the nameid to authenticate the user and you are done.

So you won't retrieve the response using OneLogin API, it is always a form POST from the IDp.

I hope this helps.


Since it is a redirect, user will always leave your app and go to Onelogin.

When using SAML, the flow is always like redirect from SP to IDP and after successful authentication, IDP will POST SAML Response to SP's ACS URL.

If you don't want user to redirect, then you can use OneLogin's Authentication API. But that will not be SAML flow.

Reference: https://developers.onelogin.com/api-docs/1/login-page/login-user-via-api