From your request, I'm not sure what payment method you were using. You have an option to get a list of all payment methods by using following API "GET /v1.2/payment-methods". So response looks like:
Status-Code: 200 OK
{ "payment_methods": [
"payment_method_id": "5f384f7d-8323-4207-a297-51c571234a8c",
"type": "baidu_wallet",
"description": "*53",
"payment_method_id": "f33847de-8113-4587-c307-51c2d13a823c",
"type": "alipay",
"description": "ga***",
"payment_method_id": "f43847de-8113-4587-c307-51c2d13a823c",
"type": "visa",
"description": "***23"
"payment_method_id": "517a6c29-3a2b-45cb-94a3-35d679909a71",
"type": "american_express",
"description": "***05"
"payment_method_id": "f53847de-8113-4587-c307-51c2d13a823c",
"type": "business_account",
"description": "Late Night Ride"
} ],
"last_used": "f53847de-8113-4587-c307-51c2d13a823c" }
There you can find payment method ID - and you can use it when you create your ride request.
"product_id": "a1111c8c-c720-46c3-8534-2fcdd730040d",
"payment_method_id": "f43847de-8113-4587-c307-51c2d13a823c"
"start_latitude": 37.761492,
"start_longitude": -122.423941,
"end_latitude": 37.775393,
"end_longitude": -122.417546