
I want to plot time series in plotly. Dataframe has two columns, date in Date format and number of odrers as integer, for example:

order_created   margin
2017-01-01      7004
2017-02-01      4424
2017-03-01      3792
2017-04-01      6031
2017-05-01      7561
2017-06-01      6903
2017-07-01      6687
2017-08-01      3283
2017-09-01      6683
2017-10-01      4781
2017-11-01      6960

When I am plot data using type = "scatter" & fill = 'tozeroy' I get complete mess:

        x = ~order_created, 
        y = ~margin, 
        name = 'Total margin', 
        type = 'scatter', 
        mode = 'none', 
        fill = 'tozeroy')

enter image description here

When I use the same data and code, but change type to "bar" it creates proper plot:

    x = ~order_created, 
    y = ~margin, 
    name = 'Total margin', 
    type = 'bar', 
    mode = 'none', 
    fill = 'tozeroy')

enter image description here

Any suggestions how to produce proper line (filled area) chart?


For line charts, try color instead of fill for the line chart.Ryan Morton
If you look at the y values of the bar plot... it's not correct (15K > 7K)C8H10N4O2

1 Answers


On plotly 4.7.1, this works fine for me:

# reproducible example!
somedata <- read.table(text=
"order_created   margin
2017-01-01      7004
2017-02-01      4424
2017-03-01      3792
2017-04-01      6031
2017-05-01      7561
2017-06-01      6903
2017-07-01      6687
2017-08-01      3283
2017-09-01      6683
2017-10-01      4781
2017-11-01      6960", header=TRUE,
colClasses = c('Date','numeric'))

(p <- plot_ly(somedata, 
        x = ~order_created, 
        y = ~margin, 
        name = 'Total margin', 
        type = 'scatter', 
        mode = 'none', 
        fill = 'tozeroy'))

plotly_IMAGE(p, format = "png", out_file = "output.png")

enter image description here