Related to MSAL.js
While using MSAL.js for single sign on for azure active directory, we use loginredirect method from MSAL to redirect user, it redirect to 'null' URL. I don't know why it happen but it come from MSAL library.
We use idtoken (new Msal.IdToken(localStorage["msal.idtoken"]);) method to decode token, when we use version 0.1.1 it works fine, when upgrade the version 0.1.3 it returns error "Msal.IdToken is not a constructor". I can't understand how to call the method.
One more issue with MSAL.js is, when we provide credential for login, login does not redirect to my application, I don't understand why it is looping in login page after entering correct credential.
When we logout and again try to login, it loop on login page.
We use 'if (errorDesc != null && errorDesc.indexOf("AADB2C90118") > -1) ' because we also do forgetpassword functionality.
Below the code which we implemented for redirection
var clientApplication = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(applicationConfig.clientID, applicationConfig.authority, authCallback, { cacheLocation: 'localStorage' });
function authCallback(errorDesc, token, error, tokenType) {
if (errorDesc != null && errorDesc.indexOf("AADB2C90118") > -1) {
clientApplication.authority = applicationConfig.passwordAuthority;
function login() {
Please give me solution for this problems.