I've been having some issues loading html templates using the Gin framework through the r.HTMLRender
It would seem that the templates are not being found.
I have tried to use the following helpers:
- GinHTMLRender: https://gist.github.com/madhums/4340cbeb36871e227905
- EZ Gin Template: https://github.com/michelloworld/ez-gin-template
Neither of these seem to be working when setting the default path for templates (in my case app/views
); for the purposes of getting to this to work my html template file structure looks like this:
Here is a sample of the Gin loading code:
import (
//CORSMiddleware ...
func CORSMiddleware() gin.HandlerFunc {
/** CORS middleware **/
func Router() {
if os.Getenv("ENVIRONMENT") == "production" {
// Initialize Gin object
r := gin.Default()
// Cors Middleware
// Rate limiting
rl, err := helpers.RateLimiterMiddleware()
if err != nil {
panic("Rate Limiting Initialization error")
// Asset provision
// Get URL information
// Attempt with EZ Template, fails
// I ge this error: "runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" when calling c.HTML(...)
render := eztemplate.New()
render.TemplatesDir = "app/views/" // default
render.Layout = "layouts/application" // default
render.Ext = ".html" // default
render.Debug = true // default
r.HTMLRender = render.Init()
// Attempt with GinHTMLRender, fails
// I get this error: https://gist.github.com/madhums/4340cbeb36871e227905#file-gin_html_render-go-L110
htmlRender := GinHTMLRender.New()
htmlRender.TemplatesDir = "app/views/"
htmlRender.Debug = gin.IsDebugging()
htmlRender.Layout = "layouts/application"
r.HTMLRender = htmlRender.Create()*/
/** Some Routes **/
// Start web listener
r.Run(":8009") // listen and serve on
The corresponding render call is code is the following:
/* c is of type *gin.Context */
c.HTML(200, "test", "")
For some reason it seems like the r.HTMLRender
function is not taking into account the template path; I have attempted doing this:
_, err := template.ParseFiles("app/views/test.html")
if err != nil {
log.Println("Template Error")
} else {
log.Println("No Template Error")
This code consistently displays "No Template Error", which leads me to believe that the HTMLRender
assignment is not considering the TemplatesDir
set variable.
I've been stuck with this issue for some time, and I am not entirely sure how to get it resolved.
Any help getting this to work would be greatly appreciated.
from gin-gonic/gin#html-rendering? – assefamaru