There is a solution using tableHTML
in combination with 2 functions to replicate the logic.
First, you need to create css for each column that provides the styling information that should be applied to the table. I have split it into 2 functions, one for the background, and one for the line between columns.
The first function changes the colour of cells based on the value in col1
. You can change them by providing different colours in the arguments of the function.
get_background_column_css <- function(col1,
a_col = "lightgray",
b_col = "steelblue",
c_col = "lightgreen",
d_col = "indianred",
default = "white") {
background_color_col2 <- ifelse(col1 == "A", a_col,
ifelse(col1 == "B", b_col,
ifelse(col1 == "C", c_col,
ifelse(col1 == "D", d_col, default
css_col2 <- setNames(list(list(c("background-color"),
list(background_color_col2))), "col2")
background_color_col3 <- ifelse(col1 == "B", b_col,
ifelse(col1 == "C", c_col, default))
css_col3 <- setNames(list(list(c("background-color"),
list(background_color_col3))), "col3")
background_color_col4 <- rep("", length(col1))
css_col4 <- setNames(list(list(c("background-color"),
list(background_color_col4))), "col4")
background_color_col5 <- ifelse(col1 == "A", a_col,
ifelse(col1 == "B", b_col,
ifelse(col1 == "C", c_col,
ifelse(col1 == "D", d_col, default
css_col5 <- setNames(list(list(c("background-color"),
list(background_color_col5))), "col5")
list(css_col2, css_col3, css_col4, css_col5)
The second function adds a border between columns.
get_border_column_css <- function(col1) {
border_col2 <- ifelse(col1 == "D", "1px solid black", "0px")
css_col2 <- setNames(list(list(c("border-right"),
list(border_col2))), "col2")
border_col3 <- ifelse(col1 == "C", "1px solid black", "0px")
css_col3 <- setNames(list(list(c("border-right"),
list(border_col3))), "col3")
border_col4 <- ifelse(col1 == "B", "1px solid black", "0px")
css_col4 <- setNames(list(list(c("border-right"),
list(border_col4))), "col4")
border_col5 <- rep("0px", length(col1))
css_col5 <- setNames(list(list(c("border-right"),
list(border_col5))), "col5")
list(css_col2, css_col3, css_col4, css_col5)
In order to test the function, I only use the first 4 rows (since they have all the combinations of possibilities):
test_df <- head(test_df, 4)
Next, I create 1 css list for the background-color
and 1 css list for the border
that can be supplied to add_css_conditional_column()
css_background = get_background_column_css(test_df$col1)
css_border = get_border_column_css(test_df$col1)
Next, I create a tableHTML
tableHTML <- tableHTML(test_df,
rownames = FALSE,
border = 0)
Next, I add the background css in a loop to each column:
for (i in 1:4) {
tableHTML <- tableHTML %>%
add_css_conditional_column(conditional = "colour_rank",
colour_rank_css = css_background[[i]],
columns = names(test_df)[i + 1])
And the border css:
for (i in 1:4) {
tableHTML <- tableHTML %>%
add_css_conditional_column(conditional = "colour_rank",
colour_rank_css = css_border[[i]],
columns = names(test_df)[i + 1])
This is the result:

package. We have already implemented column conditional formatting and we hope to do row conditional formatting too, soon. Maybe have a look at our conditional vignette to see if there is anything you can work with. The package is compatible with shiny. – LyzandeR