I am quite new to terraform and golang, I am trying to implement a custom provider, for a POC, to check if we can leverage terraform for our own use.
I was able to write and build the golang provider according to this video and some GitHub examples.
I created a go workspace an set the $GOPATH to default, $HOME/go.
Terraform packages is installed at $GOPATH/src/github/hashicorp.
Terraform binary is installed at $HOME/dev and specified at the $PATH.
according to the video, I created the provider package at /terraform/builtin/providers/mycustomprovider
And "go build"ed the package to $GOPATH/bin
Once I tried to 'terraform plan' I get the following:
provider.incapsula: no suitable version installed
version requirements: "(any version)"
versions installed: none
I added the custom provider binary to terraform.d/plugins and tried to run 'terraform plan' again.
now I am getting the following error:
Error: Error asking for user input: 1 error(s) occurred: * provider.incapsula: fork/exec ~/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_amd64/terraform-provider-incapsula: permission denied
I tried to chmod to 666 and chown the binary file, but with no luck, I am still getting the same error.
I tried to look for this kind of issue but couldn't find any reference.
I would appreciate any assistance.
TF_LOG=DEBUG terraform plan