
Per wiki link JMS is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API1 for sending messages between two or more clients

Question :- Is it mandatory that client(Producer/Consumer) should be implemented in java or client can be implemented in any technology like dot-net/c++ ? Can browser also be a client provided it sends the message expected by java MOM

Update :-

JMS can use variety of protocols to send/receive the message. For example :- If I consider the case of ActiveMQ it support number of protocols given at active MQ protocols where as default protocol is AMQP.

So mine understanding with default protocol AMQP, Dot-net/C++ can be client but not browser(as it communicates over http only).

But if i configure the ActiveMQ to use Rest protocol probably anyone(browser/Dot-Net/C++) can be client . Is that correct ?

ActiveMQ might have a JMS adapter, but it's wider than JMS. I know Rabbit MQ can be used that way in Cloud Foundry. You asked about JMS. Your new question is broader.duffymo

1 Answers


JMS is an API specification. It's not mandatory to implement the API specification in Java, it can be done in other languages too. Many of the JMS implementations provide .NET, C++/C etc implementations for JMS. For example IBM MQ provides JMS API implementation in .NET and C/C++ languages and it's called XMS.