Everyone and every book claims that there are implicit animations happening in CALayer. However, every time I wanted to verify that so far, I end up with a hard-snap to the set value. No animation at all.
Here's an example in a project where nothing else is happening. All I do is create a view, then get it's CALayer instance and do something that should be implicitly animated.
[theLayer setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:M_PI * 1.1] forKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.z"];
Another one:
CGRect currentBounds = theLayer.bounds;
currentBounds.size.width += 120.f;
[self.animatedLayer setBounds:currentBounds];
The view contains some stuff of course so I can see the change. I see the visual change, but as a hard snap. No animation at all.
So either all those books are wrong and have old Mac OS X knowledge in mind when writing about Core Animation and implicit animations, or I'm doing something wrong. Can anyone provide an working example that demonstrates implicit animations on the iPhone?