
I am new to cocos creator. I am working on a game and when I press home button and get back to app, the app is crashed. It shows this error while debugging:

android Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x9 in tid 27173 (GLThread 1836)

I have already searched a lot. But I dont understand what to do.

Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2, fault addr 0x74446000 in tid 13424 (GLThread 785)

Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x48 in tid 21741 (RenderThread) in android in rear case in some device

If someone can explain me in simple words what to do. Thanks in advance.

Too little information to answer. You could show us the code that is crashing. Maybe you are using a null pointerDr Deo
I am new so i don't know really what to post here.user9006877
Check what version of OS you are testing on and what phone. I found these crashes to only occur on Samsucks S8 or S7JPM

1 Answers


Debugging Cocos2D-X on Android is a little bit harder than iOS, but you could use ADB tools to check the logs printed on logcat.

First start Android ADB Monitor and filter logcat to show only Errors from your PID or package name. When a fatal error occurs you'll see the stacktrace with file names and line numbers. This way you'll also see errors generated by Java code