
Suppose I have an enumerated type like

data MyType
    = One
    | Two
    | Three
    | Ten

and I would like to implement the Eq interface for it. I could do it as follows

Eq MyType where
    One == One = True
    Two == Two = True
    Ten == Ten = True
    _ == _ = False

but this looks tedious.

Is there a better and more coincise way to do this in Idris?


2 Answers


You're looking for instance/implementation deriving for Idris.

There's a "Derive all the instances" project, which seems to have a working solution for Eq (see examples at the end of the file). However, it'll probably not be maintained in the future. There's a newer project in the works which also spans Eq, but still has to be completed.


It is possible to define the concept of an EnumeratedType directly in Idris. The basic idea is to define a 1-1 mapping between MyType and Fin 10. Once you've done the slightly tedious work of defining the mapping in each direction (values and toFin, with values_match_toFin verifying that they are consistent with each other), then you can define things like Eq less tediously via the more structured Fin type.

import Data.Vect

%default total

range : (n : Nat) -> Vect n (Fin n)
range Z = []
range (S k) = (FZ :: (map FS $ range k))

interface EnumeratedType (t : Type) (size : Nat) | t where
  values : Vect size t
  toFin : t -> Fin size
  values_match_toFin : map toFin values = range size

fromFin : (EnumeratedType t size) => Fin size -> t
fromFin x = index x values

data MyType = One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten

EnumeratedType MyType 10 where
  values = [One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten]
  toFin One   = 0
  toFin Two   = 1
  toFin Three = 2
  toFin Four  = 3
  toFin Five  = 4
  toFin Six   = 5
  toFin Seven = 6
  toFin Eight = 7
  toFin Nine  = 8
  toFin Ten   = 9
  values_match_toFin = Refl

eq_from_fin : (EnumeratedType t size) => t -> t -> Bool
eq_from_fin x y = toFin x == toFin y

Eq MyType where
  (==) = eq_from_fin

Three_eq_Three : Three == Three = True
Three_eq_Three = Refl

Four_not_eq_Seven : Four == Seven = False
Four_not_eq_Seven = Refl