
I would like to edit my current template in myBlog component which I believe is located here:


My main reason for asking is because I don't know where to fix a misalignment in the website I am maintaining.

But if you would try to browse the other tabs on top of the site, they have no problems at all, it's just so happened that myBlog component has its own template aside from the default Joomla template.

I believe the problem is somewhere in this path of my Joomla file:


Obviously my chosen template is named "bluesky" inside this folder it has 3 html files (bloginfo.tmpl.html, entry.tmpl.html and index.tmpl.html) and a CSS file (template_style). I included below my index.tmpl.html code.


if ($entry and is_array($entry) and count($entry) != 0)
    foreach ($entry as $e)
        $date = strtotime($e['created']);
        $month_day = strftime("%b ", $date) . strftime("%d", $date);
        $year = strftime("%Y", $date);
        $month_day = i8n_date($month_day);
 <div class="entryContent">
<div class="entry">
    <table class="entryTitle">
            <td class="my-dateCell">
                <div class="dateContainer">     
                    <div class="date">
                        <div class="month"><span><?php echo $month_day; ?></span></div>
                        <div class="year"><span><?php echo $year; ?></span></div>
            <td class="my-titleCell">
                <div class="entry-title">
                    <h3><a href="<?php echo $e['permalink']; ?>"><?php echo $e['title']; ?></a></h3>
                    <p>_MB_POSTED_BY <a href="<?php echo $e['authorLink']; ?>"><?php echo $e['author']; ?></a> in <?php echo $e['categories']; ?></p>
            <?php if(!empty($e['avatar'])){ ?>
            <td class="my-avatarCell">
                <div class="userAvatar">
                <?php echo $e['avatar']; ?>
            <?php } ?>
        if ($e['beforeContent'])
        { ?>
        <div class="onBeforePrepareContent">
            <?php echo $e['beforeContent'];?>
    <div class="entry-body"> 
        <?php echo $e['text']; ?>
        <div class="clear"></div> 
    <?php if ($e['afterContent'])
        { ?>
        <div class="onAfterPrepareContent">
            <?php echo $e['afterContent'];?>
    <div class="entry-footer">
            if ($e['comments']!="") // if comments enabled

                echo '<div class="entry-comment"><a href="'.$e['permalink'].'#comments">'.$e['comments'] .'</a>';
                echo '<div>';
            if ($e['comments']!="" and $e['readmore']=="1")
                 echo ' | ';
        <?php  // IF NEED READMORE
        if ($e['readmore']=="1")
        { ?>
        <a href="<?php echo $e['permalink']; ?><?php echo $showAnchor; ?>">_MB_READ_MORE...</a>
        <?php } ?>

How can I fix this?


1 Answers


EDITED : May this help you. find the code

if ($e['readmore']=="1")
{ ?>
    <a href="<?php echo $e['permalink']; ?><?php echo $showAnchor; ?>">_MB_READ_MORE...</a>
        <?php } 

and replace it with

if ($e['readmore']=="1")
        { ?>
        <a href="<?php echo $e['permalink']; ?><?php echo $showAnchor; ?>">_MB_READ_MORE...</a>
        <?php } 
        echo '</div>';