
Is there a Google cloud platform service that would forward the same requests to 2 or more VM compute instances or instance groups? As an example, 5 VMs behind 1 external IP address where all VMs would receive the same message

I tried to configure a load balancer with the same rule to forward messages to two different backends, but the console throws an error Invalid for field ‘resource’: “. Conflicting services for the same path pattern..

I also tried to look into VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Routes but I couldn't figure out how to configure it properly or the GC console is missing some features.

Should I look into VPN gateway? Is this scenario support by Google cloud platform?

By the way, I currently have a working solution where 1 dedicated compute instance receives all the requests then pushes the content to Google Pub/Sub then a group of instances would subscribe to Pub/Sub topic to receive those messages. I can also set up a dedicated VM that forwards the messages through internal IPs.

The general idea is that I'm trying to avoid custom solutions if possible.

Pub/Sub is the standard solution here, no? What you are trying to build is custom.jarmod
Seems that you are looking for multicast. You don't have this option is GCPAvinoam Meir
I was able to confirm that it's not supported by Google Cloud Platform. Source: cloud.google.com/vpc/docs/vpc, VPC networks only support IPv4 unicast traffic. IPv4 broadcast and IPv4 multicast are not supported. VPC networks do not support IPv6 at all within the network. Global load balancer IPs and the App Engine standard environment do support IPv6.Guy

1 Answers


I am not sure that I clearly understand your context and requirements... But it may be that your 'request providers' should use Pub/Sub publisher API and push requests directly to a topic or topics. The Publisher Guide provides some details about it. I think using Pub/Sub this way is not a custom solution at all.