I have a JSON schema file:
"description":"The name the user has selected",
and I want to validate this against a json object. So I create a temporary object of that type with this schema:
and I have this JSON data file:
The goal here is to not embed my temporary object in my JSON schema for the class type. (And yes, one of my problems here is that I'm trying to for OO techniques onto JSON. That's true, I'm just doing this for re-use and inheritance reasons, there might be a better way.)
When I go to validate this I get this error:
$ ajv -s uNameSchema.json -d validUser.json
schema uNameSchema.json is invalid
error: can't resolve reference smUserSchema.json#/definitions/user from id http://schema.acme.com/uName#
How can I include on JSON schema in another schema?
See Also: