
I need to open 2 chrome windows in kiosk mode (or just fullscreen) on two separate monitors with a single click (.bat file)

This has been somewhat covered in How to open two instances of Chrome kiosk mode in different displays (Windows)


The my web app running in the browser uses localstorage to transfer data from one chrome window to the other. So we can't use the --user-data-dir= startup flag which creates completely isolated instance of Google Chrome window.

-- The computer is running on Windows 10

Can somebody suggest another solution?

Thank you

Searching the web I found: developer.chrome.com/apps/storage . Can I run the the windows using "app" mode and than exchange data using chrome.storage API?Marakoss
something like this? "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --chrome --fullscreen --kiosk www.somesite.comGerhard
@GerhardBarnard Where is the part, where you move the window to secondary monitor?Marakoss

1 Answers


I ended up using automation software that opened both instances of Chrome browser window and moved them in their specified display (by number of X pixels)

The software I used is AutoHotKey (AHK) https://autohotkey.com/ - only for Windows. You can use preinstalled Automator on Mac.

The script for AHK I wrote for my specific case:

Run, chrome.exe https://domain1/
WinWait, Titlebar Primary - Google Chrome
WinMove, 1920, 0  ; Move window by 1920px on X axis
Sleep, 1000

Run, chrome.exe https://domain2/
WinWait, Titlbar Secondary - Google Chrome
WinMove, 0, 0
WinActivate, Titlebar Secondary - Google Chrome
Sleep, 1000
Send, {F11}

Sleep, 1000
WinActivate, Titlebar Primary - Google Chrome
Send, {F11}

It identifies each window by name or "Titlebar".

The AHK software allows to create a single file that you can click on or make the script run at system startup.