I am new to KnockoutJS. I have an app that works in a following way:
- when page is loaded a complex data structure is passed to frontend
- this datastructure is splitted into smaller chunks and these chunks of data are passed to components
- user interacts with components to edit chunks of data
- upon clicking a button updated complex data structure should be passed to backend
I have troubles with a fourth step. I've been reading throught documentation and yet I couldn't figure out how I am supposed to get updated data.
Here is a JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/vrggyf45
Here is the same code in snippet. See the bottom of the question for what I've tried.
ko.components.register('firstComponent', {
viewModel: function(params) {
var self = this;
self.firstComponentValue = ko.observable(params.firstComponentValue);
template: '<div><pre data-bind="text: JSON.stringify(ko.toJS($data), null, 2)"></pre><input data-bind="value: firstComponentValue, valueUpdate: \'afterkeydown\'"></div>'
ko.components.register('secondComponent', {
viewModel: function(params) {
var self = this;
self.secondComponentValue = ko.observable(params.secondComponentValue);
template: '<div><pre data-bind="text: JSON.stringify(ko.toJS($data), null, 2)"></pre><input data-bind="value: secondComponentValue, valueUpdate: \'afterkeydown\'"></div>'
var json = '{"items":[{"componentName":"firstComponent","firstComponentValue":"somevalue"},{"componentName":"secondComponent","secondComponentValue":"someothervalue"}]}';
var data = JSON.parse(json);
var mainVM = {};
mainVM.items = ko.observableArray(
function(item) {
return ko.observable(item);
$('input[type=button]').click(function() {
var updatedData = ko.dataFor(document.getElementById('main'));
//get updated json somehow?
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.4.2/knockout-min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="main">
<pre data-bind="text: JSON.stringify(ko.toJS($data), null, 2)"></pre>
<div data-bind="foreach: {data: items, as: 'item'}">
<div data-bind="component: {name:componentName, params: item}">
<input type="button" value="post data">
If I had a single view model I could have just used ko.dataFor($("#rootElement"))
and send it to backend. However I intend to use components and they have their own viewmodels, which are not connected to the root viewmodel. I could have find them all with jQuery and use ko.dataFor
but it looks like a big hack to me.
I also could have define all the viewmodels, including the components in the main viewmodel, but it makes components kind of useless.
Also I tried to change components viewmodels constructors so they would mutate input data and override incomming values with observables, but it seems like a hack to me as well.
Is there a function like ko.components
or something that could give me all living viewmodels?