var label1: UILabel? = UILabel()
weak var label2 = label1
label1 = nil
Here's some confusion: After these 3 lines, label1 is nil, but label2 still have the reference. From my understanding, it should be nil since it's weak, so it won't have strong hold of the reference.
So, why doesn't this work?
Another question:
func request() { [weak self] complete in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
In the internet request callback, I specify weak self, and guard to have a strongSelf to make sure it will success if self hasn't been deallocated. The question is, if when the line after guard runs, the self get deallocated somewhere else, would strongSelf still live? does it have strong hold to the self? (add +1 reference count to self, so memory of self won't get released?)
. In answer to your other question, yesstrongSelf
will prevent the object being released – Paulw11