We have developed an SD app with GX15 U5 which sends and receive push notifications using One Signal API. This works fine.
But when I send a push notification from a Web Panel developed with GX Ev3 U11 to invoke an Event on main SD panel, this does not happens. The code used to send from web panel is the following:
&PushConfigProperties = OneSignalPushConfig()
&GXPushNotification.Alert= 'Mi Notificacion'
&GXPushNotification.Badge = '1'
&GXPushNotification.Event.Execution = EventExecution.OnNotificationArrive
&ProviderDeviceId ='11f3cfc0-569d-4e30-a6dc-a60308489a31'
&GXPushOperationResult = PushSendMessageDevice(&PushConfigProperties,
&GXPushNotification, &ProviderDeviceId, 2)
Event Acerca_De exist on main SD panel
What is causing to not execute this event?