I am building a new SAPUI5 application without pursuing any template approach. What I'm building is just a little form with two fields and a button. AHHhh... "the button".
What about the button? The button has the following code:
<Button text="OK" width="100%" id="__button1" press="insertIntoOData"/>
With that, I expect that when I press the button, the insertIntoOData function is called. And guess what!? It is!
But the problem is that in the insertIntoOData I want it to show a dialog (which is built with a fragment - check this link) while the OData model handles the insertion of a record. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to get the dialog to be shown. It looks like the insertIntoOData function is called synchronously, and won't show the dialog until the function is done.
When the OData Model finish handling the insertion, a response is processed and the dialog is shown only for a moment because, as you may notice in the following code of insertIntoOData, the navigation is redirected to the master (main) page.
insertIntoOData: function(evt) {
* to prevent namespace issues, reserve 'this' into 'that',
* so the ajax will know who to call inside its scope
var that = this;
//declare the dialog
if (!that._dialog) {
that._dialog = sap.ui.xmlfragment("valac.view.requestloading", null);
// open dialog
jQuery.sap.syncStyleClass("sapUiSizeCompact", that.getView(), that._dialog);
// get the csrf token from the service url
var csrfToken = this.getCSRFToken("/valacDestination/sap/c4c/odata/v1/c4codata/ValacObjectCollection");
// get the values from the 'form'
var name_var = this.byId("tSubjectInput").getValue();
var description_var = this.byId("tDescriptionArea").getValue();
// create the entry that will be sent with the request
var oEntry = {};
// the description list
oEntry.requestDescription = [];
// the description item that goes inside the list
var entryOfRequestDescription = {};
entryOfRequestDescription.Text = description_var;
// name is a complex object that needs to be built. Content and language.
oEntry.Name = {};
oEntry.Name.content = name_var;
oEntry.Name.languageCode = "EN";
// fetch the model schema
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("/valacDestination/sap/c4c/odata/v1/c4codata/");
/* create the entry into the model schema via ajax
* return to the master page if there's a success response
* put a message on the master page.
oModel.create('/ValacObjectCollection', oEntry, null, function(response){
sap.m.MessageToast.show("Object Persisted!", {
duration: 30000000
sap.m.MessageToast.show("ERROR!", {
duration: 30000000
My question is: How can I show the dialog before the insertIntoOData ends or calls the oModel.create function?
which might be more suitable in your case. – Marc