
I saw a lot of spring projects based on maven pom.xml build file. And there was one strange thing: project built without public static void main() method. For example: https://github.com/geowarin/spring-mvc-security. In usual examples form spring.io there are classes with @SpringBootApplication annotations and SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args); in main functions. So, how maven builds applications without this class and how to do it right way in terminal?

spring boot application and regular spring mvc application work in different ways. the git hub link you specified is a regular spring mvc application. It won't have any main method. Applications with main and with annotations as SpringBootApplication are spring boot applications, which are totally different in terms of packaging , building and starting the applicationpvpkiran
I'm a little confused about what you're trying to do, are you just curious why Spring MVC Security doesn't need a main method or are you wondering how to use Spring MVC Security in your project?Captain Man
"why Spring MVC Security doesn't need a main method?" and how to run it without this method? (in all readme files I found "mvn clean install", and after that nothing's happened)Vadym Borys

1 Answers


Go to home directory of the project in the Terminal. Type below command.

mvn spring-boot:run

Output for my project:

enter image description here