
My source DB is AWS RDS and my target table is AWS Redshift. The data is loaded successfully but after that changes are not pushed to the target DB and there are no exceptions.

Configuration: Migration type: Full Load, Ongoing Replication Source DB: AWS RDS MariaDB Target DB: AWS Redshit

Issue: After first upload there are no inserts, updates, deletes to the target DB.

Update: I restarted the DMS task, it duplicated the database records on target DB but now it is updating the target DB. I drop and reloaded one table and it duplicated the record.

Don't restart, use start even if you want to updateCyrus
What is the best way of fixing this issue now? :( Drop and reload of table is not working for us.JDev
did it work?, not sure!, I'm doing S3 to RedshiftCyrus
I think ShellCommandActivity can be used to the updates after first full load is doneCyrus
No drop and reload of a table, duplicated the recordsJDev

1 Answers


I guess the problem was, I updated the Redshift Database name and that somehow created problems with my AWS DMS tasks.

Creating a fresh task worked for me.