
Need your kind help in identifying this problem that i encountered recently in opencart. what may seems to be the problem that causes this error.

2017-11-17 2:48:46 - PHP Notice: Undefined variable: categories_info in /home//domains//public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system_storage0n9nb4ewxm1o_modification_catalog_controller_common_header.php on line 115

Thanks in advance

Have you tried to contact the developer of the extension in case you bought or downloaded this from somewhere?Mehravish Temkar
recently i bought 2 extension. 1 is FB Pixel and 2 is Out Of Stock extension. i guess it may come from the out of stock extension. btw thanks for the heads upMals
Did you rename your admin folder to something else? My customers had the same problems after renaming their admin folderovicko
Nope i dont rename any folder, i install opencart using softaculous. The problem is causing haywire in my inventory stock number. Out Of Stock items suddenly appeared back to 1, Stock in hand 6 but when customer purchased it should deduct to 5 but not it came back to 6Mals

1 Answers


Because the error message contains your vqcache folder, the problem is probably caused by one of your extensions. In this case the first step is to identify which extension by disabling them one by one and seeing if the error still occurs.

Once you've identified which extension is causing the problem, the best course of action is usually to contact the extension developer via the OpenCart Contact Us page: https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=support/contact