In google Sheet API guide,
I read that a find
request (find the cell with value 'X') can be formatted as follows in JSON:
"find": string,
"replacement": string,
"matchCase": boolean,
"matchEntireCell": boolean,
"searchByRegex": boolean,
"includeFormulas": boolean,
// Union field scope can be only one of the following:
"range": {
"sheetId": number,
"allSheets": boolean,
// End of list of possible types for union field scope.
requests can be made in the form of this URL .......
But I'm not able to translate that to JAVA code
The closest I've found was this code in one of the forums:
requests.add(new Request().setFindReplace(new FindReplaceRequest().setFind(entry.getKey())
.setRange(new GridRange()
.setEndRowIndex(row + 1))));
String cellReq = (new FindReplaceRequest().setFind("samuel")).getFind();
which lack a response that I expect from the API, letting me know which cell in the sheet has the value I'm trying to find.
{ "range":" Sheet1!a2:a6 " "values": [ [ " Book " ] [ " Cat " ] [ " House " ] [ " Tree " ] ] }
. This request basically defines a range of cells in Google sheet to be updated, and the values to be inserted into those cells. Yes I can create a client, but I'm using google's libraries, so the above JSON will be included in the code as ..... – Tlink