I'm getting an error with the following code:
main = do
putStrLn "Enter parameter"
parameter <- getLine
if head parameter == "c" then
let object = getObject parameter
print object
putStrLn "Error, try again"
The error I get is:
parse error on input `print'
when trying to print the object. If I instead try to print the value of the function without saving it with let it works just fine, but I need to save the object for later use.
How should the syntax be to make it work?
Also in the "else" part I get the following error:
The function `putStrLn' is applied to two arguments,
but its type `String -> IO ()' has only one
In the expression: putStrLn "Error" main
It thinks I try to run main as a parameter to putStrLn, but what I really want to do is first show the error and then run main again. How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance!
let .. in expr
so you needlet object = getObject parameter in print object
. – Lee