In my iOS app I want to cache images that are requested from different destinations. For downloading images I use URLSessionDataTasks with the default caching mechanism provided by URLSession.shared, which makes use of the NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy.
The caching works basically fine. Responses are being cached and cache headers like etag and cache-control "max-age" are correctly being handled. But if the server responds with the cache-control header set to "no-cache", the URLCache of the URLSession is still caching the image. I can access the cached response via URLCache.shared.cachedResponse(for: request) and also a new data task with the same request will return time image from the cache (which I validated by using Charles proxy and I'm not seeing the request I am awaiting).
Why isn't it correctly handling the respond's cache header? Do I need to manually check the respond's cache headers?